Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Trainings for Youth Climate Leaders

Currently the AYCC steering committee is developing a training curriculum for all young Australians who want to get the skills, knowledge and inspiration to become effective climate advocates. The trainings will be in two sessions, 6 weeks apart, and cover topics including: Climate Science, Impacts and Solutions; The Politics of Climate Change; Developing a campaign strategy; Facilitating a meeting; Media Training; Developing a Theory of Change; and Public Speaking.

The Sydney training is scheduled for Saturday 3rd February (9am - 6pm) and Saturday 3rd March 2007. If you can't wait that long to get trained up, then you can come along to the Australian Student Environment Network Summer Training Camp held in Canberra from January 20th – 25th 2007. It is a five-day training camp for youth activists taking on organising roles in their communities, campus collectives and state networks. We aim to skillshare with new organisers, network between campuses, and develop strong and vibrant networks across Australia for 2007 and beyond! For more information go to http://www.asen.org.au/ and click on Training Camp information. Applications have officially closed but there are a few spots for late applicants (especially from rural and regional areas), so get your skates on!

ps - In case who you're wondering who the beautiful young women in the photo are, they are members of the AYCC having fun at the founding summit! Clare (Brisbane, from UQ Environment Collective; Rosie (Perth, from the United Nations Youth Association WA) and Sophie (Adelaide, from the SA Youth Environment Council).


katheryan said...

Hi. I was wondering whether you will be scheduling training for Melbourne?

Youth Climate Coalition said...

The Sydney program is a pilot one, we will definately be doing them in other capital cities, but we don't have dates yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey. I only found out about the YCC today and I've missed the first training session in Sydney. Is there any way that I can catch up and do the second one, or is there another way to join your organisation?I'm really passionate about climate change and want to join an action group to try to do something about it!

Youth Climate Coalition said...

It's never too late - I'm, glad that you want to get involved!
We may be running another training in a city close to Sydney such as Newcastle in the near future, or it should be possible for you to catch up and join the second one. Please email climate.coalition@gmail.com and we'll organise something! - Anna