Wednesday, February 14, 2007
New AYCC website
This one will no longer be updated!
Hi everyone,
* Please distribute to your networks and members*
We all know climate change is a huge problem, and will require strongaction to ensure a transition to a clean energy future. The time to take action is now, and we need your voice, your energy, and your helpto make it happen. What better day to put some pressure on ourpoliticans and let them know that climate change is a priority forAustralian youth than World Kyoto Day – this Friday. This Friday 16th February the Australian Youth Climate Coalition(AYCC) is launching a cinema ad and a youth declaration on climatechange.
The Youth Climate Coalition is a non-partisan coalition aiming to mobilise young people to demand immediate and meaningful action onclimate change by government and private sector leaders. We have developed a kick-ass cinema ad that will be screened in cinemas allover Australia, starting with Bondi and Randwick, the electorates of Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Federal ShadowEnvironment Minister Peter Garrett.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Pilot Training Day Great Success
Presenters included John Kaye, who with his extensive knowledge of the renewable energy industry, highlighted the problems with unproven technologies such as geosequestration and current government nonsolutions such as an Australian nuclear energy industry.
Although the training day was the first event organised by the AYCC, feedback was overwhelmingly positive
“Good tight structuring. Facilitating and organising was excellent.”
“Comfortable, inclusive atmosphere.”
“Great presenters – knowledgeable and enthusiastic…”
“Overall, awesome – inspiring.”
Iniatives such as this are important for the movement as our Government’s inability to implement the necessary reduction targets of carbon and carbon equivalent emissions has generated a common frustration amongst many young Australians. Especially now as climate change has become a key election issue at a state level and nationally, it has become “unavoidable” for some to try to make change as individuals to ensure our climate security.
- Michelle Yang, AYCC Steering Committee Member (Melbourne)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sydney Youth Climate Organisers Training this Sunday
Where: Australian Student Environment Office, Erskineville Date: Sunday 11th February 2007 Time: 9am- 6pm
If interested, please email for an application form. Program is below:
Program for Youth Climate Organisers Training Program
Location: Australian Student Environment Network Sydney Office – 19 Eve St, Erskineville
9.00 Welcome to Country
9.15 Introductions & Participants Agreements
9.40 The science and impacts of Climate Change and energy solutions
10.40 Morning Tea
11.00 The Politics of Climate Change in Australia
12.15 Campaign Strategy Training
1.00 Lunch
2.00 Campaign Strategy Training 2
2.45 Break
3.00 Meeting facilitation Training
4.30 The Youth Climate Coalition and Campus Climate Challenge: How can you get involved? 5.30 Evaluation
6.00 Dinner/ drinks at 'The Rose' pub, Erskineville
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Volunteers Needed
· Are you a graphic designer, or know anyone who is?
· We need a logo for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition that is funky, exciting and attention-grabbing. Potential for further project work in the future including developing graphics and design for web page.
· Deadline: Monday 5th February 2006 for the logo
Web Forum Moderators
· As part of the AYCC website we're developing, we will have a 'forum' section where members of the AYCC can contribute, share news, ask questions, and post events.
· We need 8-10 forum moderators from across the country who will check and update the site at least once a day to post interesting, thoughtful, relevant and current material.
· Time requirement: check the site once daily until December 2007
· Deadline: ongoing
Digital Organisers
· DEADLINE Ongoing
· We are looking for good web contractors to work on an ongoing or project basis to help us develop our web page(s). Skills with php, mysql, wordpress, LAMP, drupal, xhtml/css/xml, javascript required.
Local Media Co-ordinators (Launch - February 16th)
· We need at least one person in each city/ town that AYCC has a presence in to co-ordinate local media for the day of the launch.
· This involves: faxing/ emailing out a press release, calling journalists, being prepared to be interviewed on tv/ radio/ newspapers, and compiling all the media that you got on the day.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Trainings for Youth Climate Leaders
The Sydney training is scheduled for Saturday 3rd February (9am - 6pm) and Saturday 3rd March 2007. If you can't wait that long to get trained up, then you can come along to the Australian Student Environment Network Summer Training Camp held in Canberra from January 20th – 25th 2007. It is a five-day training camp for youth activists taking on organising roles in their communities, campus collectives and state networks. We aim to skillshare with new organisers, network between campuses, and develop strong and vibrant networks across Australia for 2007 and beyond! For more information go to and click on Training Camp information. Applications have officially closed but there are a few spots for late applicants (especially from rural and regional areas), so get your skates on!
ps - In case who you're wondering who the beautiful young women in the photo are, they are members of the AYCC having fun at the founding summit! Clare (Brisbane, from UQ Environment Collective; Rosie (Perth, from the United Nations Youth Association WA) and Sophie (Adelaide, from the SA Youth Environment Council).